4.1.  Creating one item

In the PRODUCTS panel, click "Create Product".

Pic. 4.1 Creating a new item - creating a product

Pic. 4.2 Creating a new item - filling in the category and EAN

The category must be filled in by selecting from the list when you click on the “tree” icon in the category field.

Pic 4.3 Creating a new item - category selection

EAN must always be valid/existing and must not be used for another already created item.

If an item already exists in an internal Globus database or an external product database, the system automatically adds information to the item according to its EAN.

When filling in information about an item, care must be taken to fill in all mandatory fields marked with an asterisk (*). Only then will the button to confirm the creation of the item – Send data to Globus – be released.

The item is finished by clicking the Send data to Globus button at the bottom of the screen.

Pic. 4.4 Creating a new item - filling in data - automatically retrieving existing data

4.2. Creating new items in bulk

In the PRODUCTS panel on the start page, click on Create more new products.

Pic. 4.5 Create more new products

Select the appropriate category here.
Next, fill in the individual EANs – they can only be filled in one at a time (when you insert EAN, you will see additional fields for the next one).

Pic. 4.6 Example of filled EANs

Next, it is currently necessary to click anywhere on the page (this is the current small validation error of the inserted EANs) and then click "Continue" at the bottom of the screen. This will create products, but they still must be filled in with additional data.

4.2.1.   Export created products

After creating the products, you must further export them to fill in the data or download data from the product databases (unless you want to fill them out manually one at a time). Export is done on the home page in the PRODUCTS section, click Export more products here.

Pic. 4.7 Export more products

A list of bulk created items that have not yet been sent to Globus is displayed.

Select all items that you want to fill in and send to Globus and confirm the selection by clicking on "Export Smartsheet".

Pic. 4.8 Export multiple products

Next, you will see a window for exporting the smartsheet – do not change anything here, just click Confirm.

Pic. 4.9 Confirmation window

At this point, an Excel table (smartsheet) is generated with the items you selected. If you have already edited them in the product database, those edits will be inserted into the generated table.

Now download the file from the portal by clicking on the file name (green text with .xlsm at the end).

Pic. 4.10 Export of items

Open the file and for later validation click "Enable Editing" and subsequently "Enable Content" in the macro file.

Pic. 4.11 Enable Editing

Depending on the security level of your system, you may receive the following message instead of the "Enable Content" notification:

Pic. 4.13 Microsoft has blocked macros

In this case, the macro file needs to be unblocked in File Explorer, where you right-click on the file, select Properties, and check Unblock on the General tab.

Pic. 4.14 Unblocking a file

Fill in all the blue fields – they are always mandatory. Other data are optional, but the more data you fill in, the better. At the same time, check that the data added from the product database is correct.

After filling in the data, click Validate Sheet - see the Validation of the Smartsheet file for more.

If validation went well, then save the file and upload it back to the portal, see Import a completed Smartsheet file for more.

4.2.2. Validation of the Smartsheet file

It is advisable to validate the file before uploading it back to the supplier portal to prevent possible errors, e.g. when entering an invalid EAN, missing some of the mandatory fields, etc.

Please note that modifications to Smartsheet can be made at any time, but you must be logged into the Supplier Portal to validate it.

If you are logged in, click Validate Sheet in the top left. The Smartsheet Content Check window will appear and you can confirm with OK.

Pic. 4.15 Validate Smartsheet Contents

In the browser window, you will see the information message "Smartsheet has been authenticated for user XYZ. You can close this window" and an automatic login window for validation

will appear in the excel spreadsheet, where you can press Login.

Pic. 4.16 Login

The results of the check will be displayed.

Pic. 4.17 Validation result

If the validation is completed with errors, select the red highlighted cell - it always contains details of the error in a note (unfilled mandatory data, etc.).

If the validation passes without error, or the errors are corrected after validation, then save the file in the normal way and then upload (import) it back into

the portal on the home page in the Products > Smartsheet Import.

4.2.3. Import a completed Smartsheet template

On the home screen in the PRODUCTS panel, click "Smartsheet Import"

Pic. 4.18 SmartSheet import 1

Next, click on "Import Smartsheet".
You can also see other/previously uploaded files on this page.

Pic. 4.19 SmartSheet import 2

Select the file you want to import.

Pic. 4.20 SmartSheet import - File selection

During the import, another data check is performed, which may reveal errors other than the validation in the smartsheet. After the import, you need to check that the process was successful.

Click on the round icon "Recent background processes" in the upper right menu.

Pic. 4.21 SmartSheet import - Recent background processes

Look at the last process that took place (it is always the first from the top).

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