Welcome to the online documentation pages of our product data portal for suppliers. Here you will find a description of how to use the supplier portal effectively.

Link: https://dodavatele.globus.cz/
If you are going to bookmark the vendor portal in your browser, make sure that the address is stored in the exact form including https://, for proper functionality.

The login is in the CZ_SUPP_suppplier’s-number.

Password is specific, generated when the account is created.

The login screen also allows you to request instructions to create a new password in case you forget the one you used, or to open the help for the Supplier portal.

Pic. 1 Login screen

After entering the Username and Password, a one-time Authorization Code will be sent to your e-mail and a new window will be displayed in which to enter the Authorization Code.

Pic. 2 Access code screen

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