Pic. 1.1 Home page

You can return to the homepage by clicking on the Globus logo at the top left.

1.1.  Top information bar

The top information bar contains basic information about the settings and the user and allows access to background processes and warning notifications.

Pic. 1.2 Top information bar

1.2  Widget USER

The "User" widget contains basic user information, click "User Details" and opt-out from the Supplier  portal.

1.2.1 User Details

The "User Details" page contains detailed information about the supplier (User Profile).

Address and name of the manufacturer for automatic addition to the form

To change the password, you need to fill in the original password and then the new password, which needs to be confirmed by re-entering it.

After filling in the required fields, you will change the password or e-mail by clicking on "Save" at the bottom of the screen.

In addition to password changes, you can also fill in the address and manufacturer name. This data will then be automatically added to the form when new items are created (only in the web interface). Therefore, we do not recommend filling in these fields if you are supplying items from a larger number of manufacturers.

If you have data stored in one of the BrandBank, ZAS or GDSN product banks, you can use the "Priority Data Source" field. The Supplier portal will work with the product bank you select from the list on offer to retrieve data from. Be sure to make the data in the Globus product bank available for the Supplier portal to draw from.

Pic. 1.3 User Details

In this widget you can call Help and then Contact Form to send a message with suggestions for improving the Supplier portal, or with questions about its functionalities.

1.4 Widget Search

The Search widget allows you to search for individual items by EAN, or by name (just enter the beginning of the name and the portal tells you which items correspond to the entry).

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