a) Rules for uploading images:

  • The image name must always begin with an EAN of the product to be successfully paired with it.
  • The extension of the uploaded files must be within the image file types (*.jpg, *.png, *.gif).
  • The size of the uploaded files does not matter, of course the larger the file/s, the longer the upload will take.
  • It is possible to upload a larger number of images, however, it is necessary to expect longer upload time.

5.1. Upload pictures using a link on the home page

Clicking on "Select file" opens the file upload window as shown below. Select the images you want to upload here (in any quantity). Next, click the "Open" button to start the upload of your product images.

If you have complied with the above rules (especially names), then the images are immediately linked to the specified products. Otherwise, you must assign the images to the products later.

Pic 5.1 Image import

Uploaded images are then available in the Pictures folder above the list of items on the left of the screen:

Pic 5.2 List of items - Pictures folder

The upload status of images (3.) can be checked by clicking on the green icon (2.) in the upper right menu after you see confirmation that the images have been successfully imported (1.).

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